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JagoMag 2 Premium Blogger Template

JagoMag 2 Premium Blogger Template
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Welcome to Dr of Blogger, Today on this occasion I am going to share JagoMag 2 Premium Blogger Template 
JagoMag is a wonderful, strong, and adaptable Blogger format for News, Magazine, and Blog sites, it accompanies many New Features, Easy to Customize, has Custom Theme Options, is Fully Customizable, and has Great Support. JagoMag format extraordinarily intended for magazine blog and paper website with proficient shortcodes framework.
 You can add a super menu in the Jago Mag blogger layout. In this format, we utilized cutting-edge blogger famous posts gadget with blogger design variant 3 and gadget adaptation 2.

This JagoMag 2 is designed in such way it is very suitable for News, Magazine Websites.


JagoMag Magazine Blogger Template is a quick, adaptable, and strong blogger format for News, Blog, and Magazine sites. JagoMag blogger format is adjustable permitting you to make new elite plans in a couple of snaps. It is additionally super upgraded for speed and SEO to give you the most ideal outcomes on web crawlers.

JagoMag Ultimate Magazine Blogger Template. Present our most recent and spic and span magazine blogger format. JagoMag is our biggest delivery this year. JagoMag is the simplified limitless home design box gadget magazine blogger format by templatemark.

  1. You don’t need any coding knowledge to customize this theme, It very easy to customize everything from layout section
  2. Added List and Grid view option 
  3. Suits Best for blogs and magazine Related websites
  4. Mobile friendly, Responsive and Fast loading
  5. Grid view and list view 
  6. AdSense friendly and User friendly 
  7. Can customize everything easily from Layout
  8. Fully Customizable 
  9. Fast loading
  10. Social media share buttons
  11. Ads slots
  12. SEO Friendly 
  13. Mobile Friendly
  14. Custom 404 page
  15. Fully Responsive
Download & Demo

Click on Download button and save the Template XML file, Click on the Demo button to watch a Demo of the Template

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