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vCard V2.0 Portfolio Blogger Template Free Download

vCard V2.0 Portfolio Blogger Template Free Download
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Today on this occasion I am going to share vCard v2.0 Portfolio Blogger Template for Free.
If you’re looking for a stylish and modern way to showcase your portfolio, resume, and blog, then the vCard V2.0 Portfolio Blogger Template might be just what you need. This personal portfolio blogger theme is designed in such a way to help you display your work, resume, skills, and experience in a professional and visually appealing way.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at what the vCard V2.0 template has to offer, and how you can use it to create a stunning online portfolio.

For freelancers, creatives, and professionals who want to promote their work online, the vCard V2.0 Portfolio Blogger Template is a versatile and customizable theme. You can customize the template to meet your needs by choosing from a variety of pre-designed sections, such as About, Resume, Portfolio, Blog, Contact, etc.


The vCard V2.0 template’s modern and stylish style, which includes a full-width header, simple font, and exquisite section layouts, is one of its most notable qualities. To build a look that is unique to you and conveys your brand and personality, you can select from a variety of color schemes, backgrounds, and font styles.

The vCard V2.0 template not only has a beautiful visual appearance, but it also has a number of built-in features that can be used to improve your portfolio and make it more interesting for visitors.

For instance, you may integrate your social network profiles to make it easier for visitors to connect with you on various platforms, add animated progress bars to highlight your abilities, and include client or colleague testimonials.

Overall, if you’re searching for a simple-to-use and adjustable theme to present your work online, the vCard V2.0 Portfolio Blogger Template is an excellent option. It will help you make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd with its trendy style and selection of features.


  1. Clean and minimalist design
  2. Responsive layout
  3. Customizable homepage
  4. Contact us page
  5. Sidebar with personal details
  6. Testimonials with popup design
  7. Resume section
  8. Blog section
  9. Clients showcase with sliding effect
  10. Fully Responsive and Mobile Friendly
  11. Fully Customizable Background, Widths, Colors and Fonts
  12. Mobile friendly, Responsive and Fast loading
  13. AdSense friendly and User friendly
  14. Social media buttons
  15. Portfolio pages where you can showcase your work, with options to add images, videos, and descriptions.

Download & Demo

Click on Download button and save the Template XML file, Click on the Demo button to watch a Demo of the Template

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  1. That's Great 😃
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